You Were Meant to Hate Jaeeon (24 August 21)


Recalling back to his first appearance, the very first thing that was focused was what represents his exterior demeanour the best: his butterfly tattoo.

As mentioned in my previous thread of symbolisms, his tattoo represents the Jaeeon that everyone, including the viewers, see.

From the very beginning, we all know very little of this character in particular. Unlike Nabi, we were never given the context of jae eon’s background.

Hence, it seemed “easier” for everyone to quickly reprimand him for his actions because no one knew how he became like that.

The lack of information made everyone, including the characters, jump into conclusions really easily.

feeding more into these misconceptions, Jae eon doesn’t make an effort to clear it up; instead he smiles (as a way to cover up his emotions).

His smile is what makes viewers hate him even more. it shows that he doesn’t care, that he never takes things seriously, brushing things off with a smile.

This was the intention of the writers; especially looking at him through the eyes of nabi, to make him seem like an ass.

It was easier to empathize with Nabi because we’ve seen the hardships she’s been through (with her toxic ex) and roughly have the knowledge of her family background (her mother).

However, Jae eon’s background was never revealed, making us viewers believe that he was just... eh.

The intention of this show is just like nabi’s sculpture; it is up to interpretation. we were given the lack of information and had to fill in the blanks ourselves. just like the other characters in the series that were spreading rumours about him.

And so easily, we were the exact reflection of everyone else in the show; talking too much, but knowing so little.

And that was exactly why we only had Nabi’s pov. To view Jae eon the way she views him—making us viewers side with her, and believe her thoughts.

And so easily, we were the exact reflection of everyone else in the show; talking too much, but knowing so little.

and that was exactly why we only had nabi’s pov. to view Jae eon the way she views him—making us viewers side with her, and believe her thoughts.

To which the whole idea of misconceptions was heavily focused on in episode 5, where a blatant misunderstanding led to an even bigger lack of trust, which led to an even bigger misunderstanding, to which he, as usual, never clears it up.

This led to us hating him even more.

Although the show has hinted about his past, (him opening up a little) we were already set on how we see him and now no longer have the desire to empathize with him.

When he said that he wanted to change, just like Nabi our perception of him was so tainted that it seemed ridiculous.

This is where the butterflies come into play. 

his butterfly tattoo resembles the façade that helps masks his inner emotions (symbolised by his pet butterflies)

In the first few episodes, his tattoo was primarily focused—and this was during the times where he was still very enclosed, where his walls were still high, and where he was still smiling; showing none of his emotions.

Even when talking about his tattoo to a new girl, he smiles.

While in the later episodes, his pet butterflies were shown a lot more than his tattoo, and this was during the time where he had finally released the emotions he had kept in, the times where his smile started to disappear.

Where he was sick of hiding things. Sick of himself.

Watching this show made me reflect on how I view things; made me realize how shallow I was to judge someone I know so little knowledge of. He may have been heavily flawed from the beginning, but just like everyone else, he had a past. He had his mistakes, his own reasons.

To which the writers intentionally never included/really focused on, because us viewers were to decide on what kind of person he is; based on how we choose to view him as.

And as it has been repeated so many times, nevertheless is a show that focuses on one’s GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT.

which explains why JE’s past wasn’t really emphasised—because they wanted us to view him as the person past his mistakes.

the person he is trying to be: the better version of himself.

To focus on how he learns from his past mistakes, and finally grows.

To focus on his development and who he is in the present.

and the writers are well aware that not everyone is capable of seeing that sincere growth, that’s why the show is very interpretive. To get you to interact and reflect on yourself, to watch it depending on how you want to.

Jae eon had made mistakes throughout the entire show, even in the midst of him trying to change. trial and error.

Just because you want to be better doesn’t mean you can’t make any more errors.

Which was why this show was told in nabi’s POV: to see whether the viewers would be one-sided or whether they would attempt to look at the bigger picture.

you were meant to hate him, but you were also meant to view him in a different perspective, that is if you choose to.

The idea of a very flawed character growing to be better seems almost absurd in this day and age, but the show wants you to know that it is not impossible.

reality can still be viewed in a more positive light, if you are willing to work on it.

In this case, a very human, very flawed person like Park Jae eon, is a primary example of that.

Forgot to add this but this is why I find his character the most interesting; it’s the intricate details that the writers have intentionally placed for us viewers to think, reflect and perceive.

The webtoon JE & the drama JE are in fact parallel opposites.

I’ve said this so many times but the drama Jae eon has soooo much depth and I find him so so intriguing because layer after layer you find something new about him.



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