Was Dohyeok a faultless second lead? (17 October 22)

There’s no denying that Nabi choosing Jaeeon caused a storm throughout the audience of Nevertheless - but why is that? I’d like to delve into Dohyeok’s character to ponder why this happened, and explain why I believe Nabi’s choice wasn’t the big deal most people thought it was.

I first will explore a trope used in Nevertheless, to try to understand why audiences particularly loved Dohyeok. Childhood romance is a common trope used in dramas, and it certainly is loved. Though I’m not so big a fan, I do understand the appeal!

We learn of a potential past romance between DH,and NB. DH still clearly hung up on his first love, his feelings for NB only grow when they reunite, making audiences root for their rekindling. If they were in different circumstances, I’m sure I would've fallen for them too…

I do however believe that the plot of the drama had no space for a childhood romance, due to the more mature themes, and complexity of the story. It wasn’t a drama fit for somewhat unrealistic clichés - reality was always the goal.

The second reason I think DH was so loved was his communication. The part of Dohyeok that was so charming was his straightforwardness, and honest conveyance. Before officially confessing, he often hinted to NB that he was interested in pursuing a relationship with her.

This contrasting to JE but also drawing similarities. JE’s straightforwardness was often seen in a negative light - more blunt than honest, and sometimes rather confusing. DH consistently put his heart on his sleeve, always expressing exactly how he felt.

His pure communication seemed like a breath of fresh air to a suffocating situation between the main leads. Having said that, was it always this innocent? Dohyeok was aware of NB’s longing for definitive answers; I think he often used, and abused this knowledge.

I’d like to draw upon when he lied to JE - ‘she regrets the time she spent with you’. It almost juxtaposes itself. He’s so honest with his feelings, that he ends up lying to assert them. His clear communication only furthers the grey area of MIScommunication between JE, and NB

Another scene where Dohyeok misuses his power, is the ‘second’ confession scene, where he asserts that he isn’t going to give up on her. If he took pride in always conveying the straightforward truth, why was it that when Nabi did the same, he refused to acknowledge it?

Again, he utilises the fact that she wants reassurance, and pushes her boundaries. It’s fair to say this rattled not only me, but Nabi herself… His honesty eventually became burdensome, construing her mind to the point she was scared to disappoint him.

This too was just as unhealthy as the inadequate communication, and that’s exactly the point. No character mastered this skill in Nevertheless, with it only becoming relatively manageable in the ending episodes. There’s somewhat of a ‘happy medium’ that needs to be reached for BOTH parties.

Audiences can reflect on themselves, questioning if their own communication is adequate. This again, is one of the many valuable lessons Nevertheless perpetuates, and one I really like!




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